MasterSil 800: Used as a High-Temperature Encapsulant for a Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor | MasterBond.com

Master Bond Case Study

Overview of MasterSil 800

MasterSil 800 is a one-component elastomeric compound for bonding, sealing, coating, and small encapsulation applications, especially at high temperatures of up to 572°F. It is non-corrosive to electronics and bonds well to a wide variety of substrates, including silicone rubber.


Silicon-based microelectronics typically operate below 150°C, but wide-bandgap devices can operate well above this temperature. Although their higher temperature tolerance than conventional silicon-based electronics allows them to be operated at much higher power levels, they must be encapsulated in a material that can also withstand these high temperatures during long-term operation without showing a significant degradation in its dielectric strength. To identify encapsulants suitable for packaging such wide-bandgap devices, a researcher at Virginia Tech evaluated several commercially available high-temperature encapsulants, including MasterSil 800.

Key Parameters and Requirements

First, the author tested the processability of MasterSil 800, which began to cure from its surface within seconds at room temperature when it contacted atmospheric moisture.

The MasterSil 800 was able to fill the gap underneath the chip with no cracks or voids observable by optical microscopy after curing. This shows that MasterSil 800 is elastic enough that it can form a crack-free and void-free layer in a power module.

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1Yao, Yiying, Thermal Stability of Al2O3/Silicone Composites as High-Temperature Encapsulants, 2014. https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/items/2b1a4238-3edd-472f-bab1-55c1d38800b4

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